Services Offered
Individual Coaching or Group, I have you covered
Career Coaching
Return of 7.9% of initial investment*
What boxes does your boss say you need to check to promote? What job do you WANT? Developmental plans, job applications, and interviews, we can work on all those items to ensure you shine like the star you are.
Are you transitioning to another job or retiring? There will be changes, and we can find the path that seamlessly ensures you are the best you for the new career or that civilian life.
When opportunity knocks, throw open the door and walkthrough. We will ensure you are ready for whatever is on the other side of that door.
Leadership Coaching
You are juggling your family, work, your troops, and a million other things. I want to work with you to decide what tasks you need to juggle and how to focus on each task without letting guilt interfere with the task at hand.
Ambition is the fuel that can drive you, but disorganization can hamper that. You and I will work together to ensure you are the best you. The best you are what your people need each day.
Get out of life what you need and want so you can assist in doing the same for others. You will only accomplish what you set out to do, so let us dream big and nurture that together.
Future Coaching
What do you want to be?
What do you want to do?
Where can you get assistance from?
Your future does not always involve your career. I want to find where your heart lies and a development plan to get you there!
Choices, financial responsibilities, answering the “What-if’s”
Don’t be afraid to investigate yourself. Find your true heart and passion, inside or outside work.
Finally, sometimes everyone needs to ask for help. I am there to guide you on your path and ensure you receive the resources you need.
Leadership Classes
Partner Relationship
Day to Day Coaching by supervisors
Passionate employees drive success
Leadership is hard if you are doing it right. I believe in servant leadership, where you are there to benefit the people.
I can tailor a program for you or a group in your organization to focus on serving others. It starts with recognizing strengths, functional team-building skills, and that ever-important feedback tool.
Often when you are the leader, few people are there to mentor and grow you. That is where I come in, focusing on you and guiding you to be an effective performance manager and leader.
Strategic Planning
Long term Success
Work Issues
Servant Leadership
I am sure you have sat through countless classes on strategic planning, mission statement, and vision. What would it look like if someone came into your organization and walked you through all of these processes? I can assist in developing a solid mission and vision statement that led to breakthrough strategic goals and planning? Utilizing existing tools or bringing in new ones, I can help move your company forward.
We would love to hope that our work environment would be perfect, where everyone loved what they did. However, this may not always be the case. I can work with individuals or groups to produce the best outcome for the organization.
I believe in serving others through leadership. If this idea is essential to you, please check out my leadership classes!
Conflict Resolution
Yikes, who likes conflict? Expertly navigating conflict resolution is a skill that few leaders have. But, unfortunately, sweeping it under the rug is not a skill!
I can better equip and advise you or a team on how positive conflict resolution can benefit a company as a whole.
Have a difficult situation? Perhaps you need more support? I can come in on particular issues and help determine the best path forward.
Youth Coaching
Dream it.
Grow it.
Live it.
We all want what is best for our kids…but let’s be honest, they do not always “hear” what their parents have to say. Let me work with your child to prepare for their future! Whether it be deciding to go to college, a trade school, the military, or one of the million options they have we can work together towards their goal.